
Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Lord Moves

In this last year God has been amazing!!!!  I mean He is always amazing, but this year I feel like I have seen God move so much more.  I know in some of my other post I have told you some of the things God has done.

In these last few weeks so many things have happened to remind me that God cares about the my small things.  He cares not only for my needs but also my wants.  He wants to give me things that make me happy and not just things that make me survive.

One big example is God provided me with a ticket to Disneyland and money to eat at Disney.  I never thought that I would have enough money to walk into Disney.  Being able to walk into the park was an amazing moment.

This is a big thing that God provided, but there have been countless little things that have reminded me of God love for me.  Just the other day I was driving and feeling a little down, and then out of the blue something pulled me out.  That thing was the smell of wood was super hot out so no one would be burning wood.  It was like a tiny reminder of feelings and emotions of joy and laughter.  Then not two seconds later was the smell of fresh cut wood, again one of my favorite smells.  It was 9:30 pm so I am pretty sure no one was cutting wood.

I was so surprised to smell both of those smells, and they only brought me joy in a time of feeling a little out of sorts.  These small moments help me to remember that I can always find moments of God love in the little things.

It makes me have faith for the big things.  This summer I am getting to go overseas to talk about God's grace and love.  I know that in this time I will get to see God move in amazing ways, and see His love for me just as much as His love for others.  I also know that the finance to go are in God's hands.  I am praying that God moves in the lives and hearts of those that give, and those that we will be sharing with. 

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