
Monday, November 10, 2014

Life is slowing down!

So life has finally started slowing down!!! Since I moved to LA I have been working almost non-stop!  Last year I was working 4 different jobs at one point.  I have been pushing myself to get so much done in the last few years.

At the start of last week, I quit my job at Office Max and am now only working at the church.  I have been able to actually take some time for me, and to slow down to work at the church well.  I know that this season is going to have some difficult times, but these last few weeks have been great!

I know it has been a bit since I posted a blog, so let me give you a few updates so that you can see how great God is!

First like I said earlier is I am working at a church.  I have loved getting to work with the youth students in the youth group, and the challenges that have come with it!  Most of my students have grown up in the church, so it is challenging to sometimes help them see God in new ways.  The great thing is my students mainly want to learn, and they do have a pretty awesome understanding of God.

Second I am doing a Discipleship Training School (DTS) at my church.  This program is similar to the YWAM DTS program, but it is run through our church.  In this time was are walking as a class to help each other see God in great new ways, and to have a stronger commitment to what we have been called to.  I am excited to see what this school will bring in my life with God.  We are in the school for 9 months, and at the end of that we get to take a trip overseas to help us practice the things that God has been challenging us to.  I have not heard yet where I get to go, but I am excited to hear what God has in store.

Third I am doing a Discipleship House.  We are a group of 5 women living together and challenging each other to live healthy lives and to live in the way that God has called each of us.  In that we are pushing each other to walk out of any areas of our lives that are disconnecting us to God, and to encourage each other in the areas that we are strong!  I know that this is not a super normal situation to live in, but it has been amazing to see this community grow.  We are laughing, crying, and being open with each other.

I know you are done reading this and thinking this is a slowed down life?  This is a much slowed down life, and I am so excited for it!  Thank you so much for all your support in this time in my life, and I hope that you are all in great places with the Lord as well! 

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