
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Time sure flies when you are having fun or working hard

Well it does not seem like I should be saying this, but I am now 1/2 way through my first quarter of Grad school.  I did not think I would see this day this quickly.  I know that for some people time has not moved that fast.  You might be saying to yourself, well she has not been gone that long.  To me it feel like forever that I have been gone.  I think I have finally gotten past the honeymoon phase of moving to California and started realizing this is where I live.  I have loved getting to explore things around the area and hope to discover even more.

Classes: My classes have been great! I find myself walking out of every class having to wrestle with new ideas.  None of them in a bad way, just having to think hard about them.  I have been loving the challenge of work here.  I am not feeling overwhelmed, but just challenged.  I am constantly having to stay on my toes with my homework load, and balancing that with some social time. Let face it if I did not have some social time I might internally combust.  This week alone I had to write 3 papers, organize a group project, read a ton of pages, and work on final topics for 2 classes.  I keep seeing the Father provide time for all of this.

Work:  I have been looking for a job since before I even came to Pasadena.  I have yet to find one!  This has been one of my main frustrations and moment of crying out to my Father.  I have applied everywhere and anywhere(with in reason).  I have had interviews , but nothing yet.  I had one interview on Thursday, and they said that they were really interested in hiring me.  They just have to wait for HR to process all my documents...including a credit I don't know if you have this problem, but my credit is not the greatest to say the lest.  So now I am asking that my credit will be OK enough to make it for this job.  It is an on campus job, the hours are great, the pay is good, and I don't have to work during finals week.  So now I am just waiting to hear back from them hopefully in a week or two.

Church: The church I have been going to has been great.  They have made sure that someone picks me up for all the services that I would like to attend.  They have really been a big encouragement.  I have not been able to get involved with their small groups but I hope to this week.  I am just excited to try and get some more faith family here in California.  I am also thinking about volunteering in their children's ministry.  I have felt a little weird going and not feeling like there was something that I can do.  I know that they are in need of people so hopefully I can help fill that need.

Social Life:  The Almighty has been kind to me in this aspect.  He has been bringing people around me that are truly amazing and I am loving getting to know them.  I hope that these friendships made will be carried over to the field.  I love just getting to sit and listen to the passions and desires that these people have for our Father.  They all strive hard after their desires.  I have loved getting encouraged and getting to encourage these lovely people.  I think that if I had not found them(if God had not brought them) then I would have already been running home with my tail between my legs.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.  I know that I have not been great at keeping in contact, but you saw my work load :D I hope that this post finds you well. I ask blessing on all of you.  

Monday, October 8, 2012

Catching Up!

This last week I felt like I was playing catch up.  I got behind one day of studying, and now I feel a bit behind.  I know that it sounds dumb but with the amount of work we have to do one day can kill you.  I did not just waste that day. I was applying for jobs.  The job scene here is not great. Everything on campus takes forever to get, and all the off campus stuff is just as hard.  They know they can get the perfect fit if they wait long enough, and they don't have to settle.  This makes things frustrating, but I know my Father will provide. It is just waiting on him(which as some of you know I am not good at).  I have a great community here, because so many have said that if I need things then they will help out.  In fact there is a family that is letting me borrow some furniture so that I do not have to buy it.  It is even nice Ikea leather furniture. Once I get it then I will take some pictures.  I have loved that I have found a supportive community here at school!  It has made a world of difference for me.  I have also loved the church I am going to.  It reminds me a bit of Highland.  I actually found out that they have a church from their same organization in Norman...It is Antioch Church.  I was kinda excited to hear that.  I keep finding these great connection back to home.  This church is soo big on community, and love to support and encourage each other in word/deed.  I have had someone pick me up for any church event I would like to go to so that I don't have to walk.  Which is nice, because walking to the church takes 1hr.  I have also found the Fuller Co., which is the theatre club on campus.  We are working on producing at least 1-2 plays this year.  I have loved the idea of getting to do theatre again, but from a Christian perspective.

For now I am just playing catch up and waiting on God.  Hopefully I will get to see him move in mighty was in getting me a job.  I know that He has the perfect plan for me.  I just pray that I have the strength to wait it out.  Please feel free to message me at or if you would like to mail me letters my address is 130 N Los Robles #6, Pasadena, CA 91101.  Thank you all for your support and care!